Audacity – Audio editing software for Windows, Mac and Linux. It has a bit of a learning curve if you’ve never used an audio editor. There’s several other excellent editors out there, but you can’t beat Audacity’s price (free).
Blubrry – Podcast hosting service. They can also host your podcast website.
Fiverr – “The marketplace for creative and professional services.” This is the service that created our cool retro logo.
iFree Skype Recorder – Automatically records the audio from Skype conversations to mp3 files. Very convenient for interviewing guests you can’t get to in person.
Presto MusiCo – The original theme music for the podcast was written and performed by Knight Berman Jr, owner of Presto MusiCo.
WordPress.Org – Software that runs a podcasting website (and almost any other type of website you could imagine).